That’s My Orchestra Teacher

I was driving and stopped to get gas and a drink at a local store when I heard a loud exclamation… “ Hey everybody – that’s my orchestra teacher.” I didn’t recognize the young lady the exclamation came from, but upon further inquiry, I found out she was a student of mine from 4-5 years …

Teaching Great Concert Etiquette to the Audience and Performers

You walk into a concert hall and are bombarded with crying babies, cell phones ringing, people talking on their cell phones, people playing games, cat calls to band members, and doors opening and closing in the back. It’s frustrating. It’s disrespectful. Proper concert behavior can and should be taught to the audience and the band …

The Story Project – Funny stories of growing up Italian

The story I shared at The Story Project a couple of years ago. It  aired on KRCC in Colorado Springs.  This is my recording of that public airing so forgive the poor sound quality. I share funny stories of growing up Italian, including: How garlic permeates everything when you’re Italian Why I speak SO LOUDLY …

I Was Bullied Throughout School, but in 6th Grade I Became a Bully

From 2nd through 7th grades, I was bullied by other boys. Mom felt it was always wrong to fight. She would quote Jesus’ admonition to turn the other cheek. Later I realized that verse describes a time when someone insults you. Even Jesus overturned the moneychanger’s tables, and sometimes boys have to defend themselves.  One …

Sleeping Under a Bridge? No, But Homeless Nonetheless

I didn’t understand we were homeless.  It wasn’t the “live on the streets in a box” homeless. We lived with relatives. We lived with friends. Italians are great at putting together a makeshift bed to bring in extra people. We had our own apartment for a time – but we could not afford electricity, so …

FREE Chocolate Chip Cookies! It Doesn’t Get Better Than That.

The bright spot for me was when I started Kindergarten. The first day was pretty scary, as it is for all children starting school. I recall two of the most wonderful, compassionate teachers in the world who made me feel at home right away. I looked forward to school! We even had a snack time …

Teachers: Powerful Forces for Good or Bad

Some of my teachers played a big role in my life. A great ancient Hebrew named James had this to say about teaching… “Don’t be in any rush to become a teacher, my friends. Teaching is highly responsible work. Teachers are held to the strictest standards.” Here are some good and not so good teachers …

The brother I never knew

The Brother I Never Knew I have a wonderful sister. We went through a lot together as kids and are great friends today as adults. But we were robbed. Mom was pregnant at least 5 times. Her third child she gave up for adoption. He was taken in by a loving family. Babies 4 and …

Teachers – Your Dedication Makes a Difference. You Matter!

As we approach the end of the year, we are all feeling tired and drained – which I think we all know and expect – at least physically. But remember, we are also drained emotionally. It can cause our emotions to trick us. We may think… “Does what I do matter?” “Would a career besides …

I Wasn’t Always This Way – And I Get Better With Age

People look at me – 55, getting better looking each year, married to my high school sweetheart, parent of four, grandparent of 8, successful band & orchestra teacher, author, speaker, musician – and they think “Wow, James is so confident and sure of himself. Life has been good to him. I wish my life was …

The Beatles Had It Right – All You Need is Love

“All you need is Love. Love is all you need” So true, and advice so needed as a teacher. When they don’t meet your expectations…love them anyway. When they disrespect you…love them anyway. When they don’t work hard…love them anyway. It’s not hard to love the students who are excited about your class, who work …

Why I Love Colorado

Susan and I moved here – reluctantly – in 1992 with the Army, thinking that as soon as I got out of the Army, we would be moving to Virginia. We never left! Two of our kids were born here. We love Colorado and hope to never move away, but if God ever has something …

Keeping Up With The Times – a no win scenario?

By Guest Writer Brooke Pierson Keeping up with the times – a no win scenario? Over the years I am constantly hearing about how we need to “reach more kids”… Teach rock band! Teach computer music! Teach hip-hop! Teach what the kids are interested in. To be fair, this post isn’t about those things entirely …

Peeing on Trees and Other Early Childhood Memories

Earliest Memories “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” -Sigmund Freud This is a picture of my grandfather, my mom’s father. He passed away before I had a chance to meet him. My mom speaks very highly of him. Most children don’t remember much from their earliest …

Wait Until You See What His Mom Gave Him for Breakfast

Jill was cleaning her son Billy’s room, putting ALL the clothes in the hamper because – if you’ve had a boy, you know their clean and dirty clothes co-mingle. They know what to wear after giving it the sniff test. She tossed the pizza boxes from under the bed into the trash. She found the …

4 Tips to Being a Better Band Director Using the Acronym BAND

4 Tips To Be A Better Band Director using the acronym BAND There are four key areas that – if you focus on these and make them a priority – they can help you be a better band director. None of them have anything to do with music, but the word “BAND” does fall nicely …